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It all starts with words.
First they are thoughts, short dreams, song riffs or graphic text.
Then as we write, they become more.
Words make real our ideas.
If you need some text - we can help.
Brands we have helped with words include:
Marley Spoon Australia: Created digital content across all social channels.
Optus: Created scripts for board level internal communications, commemorating the 20th Anniversary.
ABC International: Editor of all television content for digital platforms. Writer of all social content regarding all television programmed content.
As producers, directors and writers, Amy Frasca and Matt White have an extensive credit list which includes producing content for Australian and International broadcasters.
We have produced events, theatre, short films, factual, drama and entertainment programming.
Sometimes you just have to dive right into an idea to truly explore the creative potential you have.
We are highly experienced at working within a development budget to help pull together exciting pitch documents, conduct research to uncover opportunities you hadn't yet imagined, commission artwork to illustrate and create key text to attract interest.
Ideas need bespoke exploration on platforms that best suit the intended engagement with target audiences.
We love interaction, we love the opportunities to build community through social media, we're happy to share our insights in these fields.